Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Are you working at home?

Is it the wonderful experience you thought it would be? You can sleep in late, skip the shower, stay in your jammies, blast the music, go out when you want to and party all night. Work? Oh, sure. I’ll get to it. Later.

As more and more people are working from home, a whole lot of them are discovering that it’s not as terrific as they thought it would be. People feel isolated. They sometimes eat too much, exercise too little, and definitely waste too much time on insignificant things. They miss going out after work with coworkers and friends and often feel left out of the loop. Sometimes it just feels like extra work to stay on track and summon all of that self-discipline. The sense of freedom can drift away only to be replaced by a nagging feeling of lethargy, and sometimes that tiny little twinge of guilt.

We’re happy to give you an alternative! How about an office of your own? For as little as $215 a month you can set up shop to get your work done. You can use the space to telecommute, or run your own business. With a business address you’ll feel more professional which will definitely boost your productivity. The rules are up to you, of course. If you still want to stay in your jammies, it’s your call. An office of your own will get you out of the house and back in the mainstream. The value to your mental wellness alone is worth it.

Please take a look at some of the Commercial Properties we have available. If you don’t see exactly what you want, give us a call at 503.305.7204 and we’ll see what we can do for you.

And should you decide that you really love working at home, but don’t like your home all that much, we can help you out there, as well. Take a peek at Residential Properties to see what looks good to you.

At Kinetic, we are always looking to improve and welcome your suggestions. We’d be delighted to work with you. And we’ll keep you in the loop!

Phone: 503-305-7204
Fax: 503-303-5809
16650 SE McLoughlin Blvd Milwaukie OR 97267


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